If You Are Serious About A Career in Radio
If You Are Serious About A Career in Radio Then Take A Close Look |
The most important thing to you, the student, is can we help you jump start a career in the radio business. We strongly believe that we can. First of all, over 72% of our graduates land a job in the radio industry--many of them before they even graduate. After all, it stands to reason, our mentor/apprentice radio school alternatives put you in front of the very people who have jobs to offer: working professionals.
Do traditional radio schools succeed in finding their students paid work in the radio business before or after graduation? Most of the traditonal radio schools (which charge 30-100k) graduate many thousands of students annually and when these students matriculate they enter into an extremely competitive radio business job market. These unlucky graduates quickly learn that with no REAL RADIO STATION EXPERIENCE they are pretty much out of luck.
They soon realize that their diploma means nothing and can not, nor will not get them hired. Think about how hard it is these days to get a regular job at say a marketing firm or even at a local restaurant or club? Well as you probably already know, it's a thousand times more difficult to get a job in the radio business! Why is that? Well there are a few reasons:
First, the radio business is what we call a "marquis job", that is, it's a dream job with lots of competiton for just a few openings. Think about it, where do you think most people would rather work? In a boring cubicle or at a fast paced radio station? In a government or corporate office or on the air? That said, it isn't that hard to realize that a career in radio is a career that millions of people are trying to get. That means, YOU ARE COMPETING WITH MORE PEOPLE FOR FEWER RADIO JOB OPENINGS. More people because it is a dream job, fewer jobs because once someone lands one of these dream jobs, they rarely leave.
Second, the radio business does NOT, we repeat DOES NOT, work like the normal job market. That is, when a position at a radio station becomes available, employers do not hire from with-OUT, they almost always HIRE from with-IN. In other words, radio stations rarely post AD in the help wanted section. Instead, they ask their friends and colleagues in the radio business if they know of any hard working, qualified candidates? If you were to talk to ten radio professionals and they would quickly tell you they NEVER hired an assisstant from a traditional radio school or from a newspaper AD. What they will tell you is they only hire people they know and trust or people that come recommended from other radio pros.
So it begs the question: if all the job positions in the radio business go to the people that radio station employers already know, how do you get to know these radio professionals that are doing the hiring? ANSWER: YOU MUST GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR OF A REAL RADIO STATION and PROVE YOURSELF to be both hard working and experienced. Now, you're probably saying, "I'm not qualified yet, I have little or no studio experience !! Now what? "So how does one get trained, get their foot in the door, and get the opportuity to prove oneself? One thing is for certain, you don't achieve these objectives by signing up for a radio school that charges 60 thousand dollars or more for you to sit in a classroom. No, you go to The Radio Connection Radio and DJ School Alternative where your classroom is in a real on-air radio station and your teacher is the same guy or gal that you one day hope will hire you.
Make sense? We think so. Now, we do not guarantee jobs or career placment, NO ONE can gurantee you a job, but think about it and then ask yourself, "Which program is more likely to get you hired--a program that puts you in a real, on-air, professionally run, radio station or a classroom on a college campus?
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